Fall 2019 Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 4

Fall 2019 Newsletter Volume 5, Issue 4

Fall is Here… I had the opportunity to travel across the state this past month, and I never tire of the beauty we experience in Pennsylvania during the fall season. We are truly fortunate to be able to experience the beautiful canvas on full display every year. Currently, we are wrapping up what was another busy year. Within the next month, we will start the process of planning projects and goals for 2020. There is never a shortage of work to be done. If anything, there is only a shortage of time available to get work completed. (I am sure you, dear reader, can relate!) As we start to look towards 2020, I anticipate another exciting year of conservation work in Northumberland County.

Summer 2019 Newsletter, Vol 5, Issue 3

Summer 2019 Newsletter, Vol 5, Issue 3

This newsletter is more of a late summer newsletter, but I hope it finds you enjoying the warmer months as they start to wind down.

Summers are fairly busy in our office. Our staff have multiple projects to tend to, and our mosquito staff try to keep the pesky insects to a minimum. We are also preparing for the fall months when things start to quiet down a little, and planning for next year starts all over again.

As time continues to fly by, I hope you have the opportunity to enjoy the rest of your summer days. The days are already getting shorter, and fall is just around the corner.

Spring 2019 Newsletter, Vol 5, Issue 2

Spring 2019 Newsletter, Vol 5, Issue 2

Spring Thaw…Spring is always an exciting time of year. The temperatures start to warm and flowers bloom. The dreariness of winter fades and going outdoors is much more enjoyable.In this edition of our newsletter, you will find our annual report for 2018. Please take the time to review the work completed in Northumberland County during 2018. You will see it was a busy year for us!You may see our technicians out and about in the coming months as they work on field projects and start mosquito surveillance. We look forward to seeing you out and about in the warmer weather as you start your outdoor spring projects! Enjoy the warmer days.

Winter 2019 Newsletter, Vol 5, Issue 1

Winter 2019 Newsletter, Vol 5, Issue 1

Bundle Up…
As I write this, I realize that spring is a short 2 months away. But as much as the winter chill and shorter days can dull the mood; Christmas, New Year’s, and Valentine’s Day give plenty of reasons to celebrate during this season. Although our office is a little quieter during December, our staff quickly gets busy in January planning for a new year. There is always work to be done, and we look forward to accomplishing much in 2019 in the field of conservation.